Wednesday 22 August 2012

I'm here to talk about sewing

None of the people in this picture are wearing something I made.

This is my little family: the ones I mostly neglect in order to sew stuff.  This is the only time I am going to post a photo of them, unless they are modelling something I stitched.

Because I'm not here to talk about my everyday life. I have one, it'll come up, but really - I'm here to talk about sewing.

I'm here to show and tell and ooh and aah over our creations with all you other online sewers out there (I know you're out there!).

I'm here to have discussions about seam finishes and awkward techniques and fashion, patterns, creativity, consumerism and all the rest, with people who both care and know what the hell I'm on about.

I'm Jo, and until I get a flattering picture of myself, that little pincushion icon on my profile is me.

Nice to meet you!

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